Urban and Landscape Design
Landscape involves habitat, cultural climate and geographical field. It means integration of natural and cultural environment of mankind. This lab aims to study on the structure of the landscape based on landscape engineering, cultural climate analysis, and regional planning. It also aims to develop the methods and theory of urban and landscape planning and design to sustain and create the proper landscape and the natural & cultural environment.
Academic Staff
Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
Civic & Landscape Design Research of street, plaza and waterfront space,
Engineering Architecture Research of urban structure and facilities
Room 202, Bldg. C1, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-3327
E-mail: kawasaki.masashi.7skyoto-u.ac.jp
Associate Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
Urban and Landscape Development History,
Psychological Evaluation of Landscape,
Landscape Planning Research of Historical District
Room 201, Bldg. C1, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-3326
E-mail: yamaguchi.keita.8mkyoto-u.ac.jp
Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
Conservation and Regeneration of Historic Landscape,
History of Landscape Policy,
Landscape Evaluation of Historic Townscape
Room 203, Bldg. C1, Katsura Campus
TEL: +81-75-383-3328
E-mail: tanigawa.riku.6ckyoto-u.ac.jp
Research Topics
Landscape Planning and Design for Public Spaces and Urban Infrastructure
By way of actual planning and design practices on Infrastructure such as roads, parks, waterfront and terminal facilities, We study on the construction of the concept for design and methods for spatial structuring, and consider making drawings and the visual simulation for the project. On the other hand, we research on the Design Methodology on making colors and texture of Infrastructure. And we aim to harmonize artificial environment with natural environment and human activities, to create spaces and facilities of inducing cultural activities.
Design of Arch Calvert Structure for Bypass Route
Research on Landscape Structure and Development in Historical Districts
We aim to find the concept and methods of practical landscape design using the natural or nature-origin water ways or environment characterized by the surrounding landform, by focusing on the historical area of hillside and riverfront. And we aim to clarify the cultural trials to make connections between nature and human in the name of "sustainable development". Lastly we try to make sure the method and theory of regional landscape design for the proper, natural, and cultural environment.
Water Distribution and Use System of Kinrigoyosui (left) / Visual Analysis on Mountains (right)
Research on Cultural and Climatological Environment
The Landscape involves cultural climate, geographical field, and scenery. It means integration of natural and cultural environment of mankind. While the landscapes of regions have changed dramatically in the tide, some regions have kept its landscape of high quality. The study is the attempt to clarify the structure of space and culture in such region which has sustainable landscape.
Historical Landscape in Sagano which is drawn on the map and written in travel notes
Research on Methodology for Making Liveable Cities
In order to deal with the increasing number of urban problems such as disasters, medical care, communities and environment etc., the study aims to establish the theory and methodology to make cities liveable. The research activities are carried by fusion of civil engineering and medical approaches. Our research focuses on the perception of space and environment, especially the perception of landscape, its cognitive process and a sense of place (physical realm). The results of our studies will provide the theories and methods to manage the sense of a place and redesign our environment. This research is based on the concept that we human beings live in communities as social existence as well as the individual. The results of our studies will provide the useful theories and methods for policy making to improve social health, strengthen community, and increase civic engagement.
Redesined Genbei-gawa River which contributes to strengthening community, improving social and physical health and increasing civic engagement through renewal projects and daily activities