Disaster Risk Management Engineering (West Japan Railway Company)
Public transportation agencies such as railways possess and maintain infrastructures over a wide range of the country, and also provide highly public services to the people. Thus in our laboratory, in order to improve and enhance the safety of these infrastructures, we evaluate the current state of them and then propose the effective counteractions on the basis of the evaluation.
Academic Staff
Naoyuki OTA
Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
As technologies that contribute to improving the disaster prevention capacity of railroads and other infrastructures, we conduct research on disaster risk assessment methods, risk-based disaster prevention concepts, and new disaster prevention technologies.
Funai Center, Kyoto Daigaku Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-8530 Japan
TEL: 075-383-3409
FAX: 075-383-8410
E-mail: ota.naoyuki.2wkyoto-u.ac.jp
Naotoshi YASUDA
Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Engineering)
Research Topics
- Analysis for seismic response of undergrond structure
- Evaluation of effect of voids behind the lining
- Inspection of the concrete structure by laser excited vibration
- Evaluation of rock bolt support
Funai Center, Kyoto Daigaku Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-8530 Japan
TEL: +81-75-383-7558
FAX: +81-75-383-8410
E-mail: yasuda.naotoshi.3xkyoto-u.ac.jp
Research Topics
Research on improvement of disaster resistance of transportation infrastructure
With earthquakes and heavy rainfall becoming more intense lately, railway and road infrastructures require improved strength and durability to cope with disaster risks. However, an excessive increase in structural strength is not realistic. This research aims to develop an improved disaster-resistant infrastructure based on the probability of extreme rainfall and earthquakes.
Development of recovery supporting methods linked to widespread hazards
When large-scale disasters occur, a decision must be made on which region should receive assistance in order to contribute to the recovery of society when road and railway infrastructures are damaged. This research studies 1) risk assessment methods following a disaster, and 2) recovery techniques during the early stages for optimum recovery.