Educational Policy
The Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering endeavors the followings:
Contribution to sustainable development for the human race from a standpoint of engineering science and technology, such as in the field of stable supply of natural resources and harmonization with global environment.
Continuance of fundamental element technologies that support public infrastructure and energy development.
Creation and development of new technologies and design methods concerning the construction, improvement, operation, and maintenance of public infrastructure and disaster mitigation as well as those related to the exploration, development, and utilization of natural resources and energy.
Integration and deployment of those technologies in the framework of computational mechanics and applied mechanics in both experiments and theory.
Our educational policy is in good agreement with this goal: our fundamental policy is to provide thorough basic education and cultivate capability rooted in reality. Furthermore, we aim to develop personnel who can contribute to the deployment of intellectual, information and communication technologies in new ways and prioritize information analysis education, with a focus on computational dynamics. We ensure that our students master sound, basic technologies that will enable them to become leading engineers who support the public infrastructure and provide education to nurture the ability to open up new technologies and flexible thinking skills.
Also, amid a major shift of the site of public infrastructure development and resource development from Japan to other countries, in the coming years we will nurture engineers from other countries who possess high-level qualifications and develop engineers who make broad contributions at the boundaries of conventional civil engineering, resource engineering, and environmental engineering. It is our policy to actively invite topnotch researchers and corporate researchers from Japan and abroad to participate in seminar courses and seminars held by the department to discuss leading-edge research and societal needs.
For details, refer to the Curriculum section.